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HomeIDRC 2024 Sponsors

International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (IDRC)
July 27 - August 2, 2024

Conference Sponsorship and Tradeshow

   2024 Conference Sponsors

 Gold   Blue Sun Scientific
 Conference    Avian Technologies
 Conference    Avantes
 Conference    Si-ware
 Contributor    Perten

The IDRC 2024 Sponsorship and Tradeshow options are available at different levels below. We were able to keep this option at a minimum due to the decision to not include registrations as part of the packages. The tradeshow will be open during all meals, breaks, poster sessions, and longer duration times in the evenings. We wanted to give you a balanced opportunity to have more time for this part of the conference compared to the past. Thank you for considering having a booth and sponsoring the IDRC. If you have any questions, please contact the conference chair, David McIntosh,, or call 865.206.1416.

The Tradeshow area along with the Poster Session will be open at all times during the conference. Our schedule reflects the times when dedicated allotment is given specifically to our sponsors participating in the tradeshow. During those times the concurrent sessions will not be happening. The portion of the event space will have a partition wall dividing up the space allowing for this to happen. We hope this helps in your planning and staffing of the booths.

To sign up for a sponsorship opportunity please visit IDRC 2024 - Conference Sponsorship  and click the button that says "Sponsor IDRC" on the right side of the page, or email us at

Diamond Sponsor - $5000 includes:

  • Rotating banner on conference Homepage
  • Logo and URL listed on the Main and Sponsor pages of the conference website
  • Company name listed in preliminary program
  • Company name listed in final program
  • Session Chairs to list Conference sponsors on PowerPoint during break and at the start of the session
  • Extended presentation time during Vendor session
  • Table and electrical power provided for display in Vendor area
  • Exclusive opportunity to host a training/demo session during conference
  • Banquet / dinner sponsorship

Platinum Sponsor - $2000 includes:

  • Rotating banner on conference Homepage
  • Logo and URL listed on the Main and Sponsor pages of the conference website
  • Company name listed in preliminary program
  • Company name listed in final program
  • Session Chairs to list Conference sponsors on PowerPoint during break and at the start of the session
  • Extended presentation time during Vendor session
  • Table and electrical power provided for display in Vendor area

Gold Sponsor - $1000 includes:

  • Logo and URL listed on the Main and Sponsor pages of the conference website
  • Company name listed in preliminary program
  • Company name listed in final program
  • Table and electrical power provided for display in Vendor area

Conference Sponsor - $500 includes:

  • Logo and URL listed on the Main and Sponsor pages of the conference website
  • Table provided for display in Vendor area

Contributor Sponsor - $100 includes:

  • Logo and URL listed on the Main and Sponsor pages of the conference website