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HomeIDRC 2022 G. Birth Award

International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (IDRC)

July 31-August 5, 2022

Sponsors 2022



The Gerald S. Birth Award for outstanding innovation in diffuse reflection or diffuse transmission spectroscopy is conferred and sponsored by the Council for Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (CNIRS) in memory of Gerald Birth. The late Dr. Birth was the founder of the International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (IDRC), also sponsored by the CNIRS. He made many contributions to the instrument technology related to diffuse reflectance.

This award recognizes a specific accomplishment in advancing the Art and Science of Near Infrared Spectroscopy by a research scientist. All scientists performing research in Diffuse Reflection Spectroscopy or in Diffuse Transmission Spectroscopy in the visible, NIR or mid-IR regions are eligible for the award. 

2022 Birth Award Winner

We are pleased to announce the 2022 Birth Award winner - Professor Christian W. Huck

Christian Huck obtained his doctorate in chemistry in 1998 from the University in Innsbruck, Austria. He is currently a full professor at the University of Innsbruck, vice-head of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry and head of the spectroscopy unit.


From 2014 until 2017 Christian Huck worked as a visiting scientist with Professor Yukihiro Ozaki at Kwansei-Gakuin University (Sanda, Hyogo, Japan). Christian is editor-in-chief for Spectrochimica Acta A (Elsevier) and NIR news (Sage), associate editor for Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (JNIRS, Sage) and several others known journals in the broader field of analytical chemistry. In 2023 he will be chair to host the ICNIRS 2023 international conference and is the current vice-president of the Austrian Chemical Society. During the last 15 years Christian received about 15 international awards including Tomas Hirschfeld. Christian has published more than 300 peer-reviewed manuscripts resulting in an h-index of 58 based on more than 12900 citations.


Birth Award Winners
 Award Winner         
 2004  Peter R. Griffiths  University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
 2006  Yukihiro Ozaki
 Kwansei Gakuin University, Sanda, Japan
 2008  James Burger
 Burgermetrics, Jelgava, Latvia
 2010  David H. Burns  McGill University, Montreal, Canada
 2012  Michael Myrick  University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina
 2014  Donald J. Dahm
 Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey
 2016  Eric B. Brauns  University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho
 2018  Satoru Tsuchikawa  Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
 2020  Dolores Peréz-Marín  University of Córdoba, Spain
 2022 Christian W. Huck  University in Innsbruck, Austria