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HomeIDRC 2020

International Diffuse Reflectance Conference (IDRC)
July 25-31, 2020

International Diffuse Reflectance Conference

For the 2022 conference, please click here

Registration Guide
Newcomer's Guide

Conference Announcements

A session will be held at IDRC-2020 on Tuesday morning, July 28th, in honour of the late Karl Norris, the Initiator and Father of NIRS. If you wish to contribute please advise Phil Williams, who will assemble the session, at The deadline for submission is February 29th, 2020.

July 25-31, 2020
Wilson College, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania

IDRC 2020 continues the long term format in which registrants attend morning and evening sessions, while afternoons are free to enjoy the area’s many attractions. Technical presentations are designed to provide insight into current issues for industrial users, strategies in choosing spectral engines, considerations in using standards, and a look into the future of spectroscopy. State-of-the-art equipment will be displayed by vendors and poster presentations will stimulate yet more discussion, sometimes well beyond conference hours.

Sessions and arrangements this year are particularly enhanced for students using NIRS in their work or future careers.

Come join us in Chambersburg this summer! Whether you are working in the lab or beyond the lab, your time at IDRC will be enjoyable and worthwhile!

   JSI—Journal of Spectral Imaging

Spectroscopy is the Official Media Partner of the IDRC

Conference Contacts

Conference chair  Andres Roman
Poster Chair
Shootout chair
Award Committee
Exhibit Chair